Lucky charms around the world(6)

26. Anka

Ankhs represents eternal life. They can be traced back to ancient Egypt and are the lucky charms of the pharaohs. The gods are depicted as placing Anka on people's lips as a sacrifice for the necessary breath of life for a smooth transition to the afterlife. Ankhs symbolize material and eternal life, immortality, death, and reincarnation. It is the key to eternal life after death.

27. Axe head

The axe represents creation and destruction - thunder, rain, and life. In Hinduism, the double-edged axe represents lightning. Many archaeologists have discovered amulets in the shape of axes. Some of them may be worn around the neck. They were discovered in pre Columbian America, the Mediterranean, and Africa.

28. Circle

A circle is a symbol of auspiciousness. They represent integrity, wholeness, and unity. Circles are represented as rings in jewelry, garlands on doors (in Christianity, representing the cycle of life), and are also commonly used in architecture. In Chinese culture, the circle represents unity. The expression "coming full circle" implies completeness. In pagan rituals, circles hold significant importance, hence the existence of magic circles. A full moon also holds such significance.

What does three interlocking circles mean?

In Christianity, three interlocking circles represent the eternal life and the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

29. New Moon

In ancient Egypt, the new moon symbolized Isis, the mother of the gods. In the end, the new moon became a symbol of heaven. The star and moon symbols can be traced back to the Sumerian civilization, representing the sun god and moon goddess. It was adopted by the Ottoman Empire and associated with Islam there. However, it is important to note that the Quran does not mention this symbol. Stars and new moons do appear in art, jewelry, and flags, but not all Muslims accept them. People should be sensitive to their use, as they are considered pre Islamic.

30. Cross

The cross is a symbol of Christianity, representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - representing faith, however, its symbolic significance predates the Christian era. The Irish Celtic Cross can be traced back to the Dark Ages and has a deep foundation in pagan religions. In Catholicism, it is called the Irish Cross. It is said that circles represent knowledge, power, and empathy. The cross is believed to protect the wearer from evil.

Why pray for good luck?

You can also explain the cross in another way. Ten finger interlocking is a superstition that evolved from European Christian culture. The cross is considered a symbol of unity and can be crossed with fingers to indicate luck.

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