• Home feng shui that makes you rich

    I believe that most people in this world have a dream of becoming rich. Want to have good fortune, make more money, live a dream for the horse, can live anywhere. In fact, by changing the home feng shui can achieve the purpose of wealth prosperous house, so what kind of home feng shui layout can enhance wealth? 2461 hours ago

  • How can I increase my fortune at home

    People who struggle in their career or seek money hope that their money will get better and better. In addition to the necessary talent, opportunity, effort and other factors, a good fortune feng shui is also very important. In any case, home is one of the places where everyone spends the most time, so feng shui at home has a great impact on people's wealth. Let's take a look at how to increase wealth at home from the perspective of feng shui. 2461 hours ago

  • How can I increase my fortune at home

    People who struggle in their career or seek money hope that their money will get better and better. In addition to the necessary talent, opportunity, effort and other factors, a good fortune feng shui is also very important. In any case, home is one of the places where everyone spends the most time, so feng shui at home has a great impact on people's wealth. Let's take a look at how to increase wealth at home from the perspective of feng shui. 2509 hours ago

  • These four feng shui will make your money double

    In the pattern of the home, want to strong wealth of feng shui, then it is best to enter the door to see the living room, this door to see the living room in feng shui has a door to see the wealth of feng shui, if the living room first through the channel in the arrival, then the channel should be maintained smooth, it will be advantageous to gather wealth. 2509 hours ago

  • Good feng shui, good health

    Feng shui is a big topic, just from the living environment and people's health point of view, or quite some sense. 2509 hours ago

  • 10 Feng Shui taboos to prevent all diseases

    Feng shui has a very close relationship with people's health. This article will introduce 10 Feng shui taboos to prevent all kinds of diseases. 2578 hours ago

  • Residential feng shui has a lot to do with people's health

    Residential feng shui is closely related to people's health. This article will introduce the taboos of residential site selection one by one. 2578 hours ago

  • What harm does Chuantang Sha have to the body

    Chuantang Sha is a Feng Shui term that refers to the Feng Shui pattern in which airflow blows directly from the entrance door to the window or balcony. However, there is no scientific basis for whether Chuantang Sha really has an impact on human health. 5262 hours ago

  • House location and human health feng shui relationship!

    Feng shui comes from nature, is a set of human and natural knowledge summed up by people in their lives to understand the easy image of nature. Home feng shui is a part of feng shui research, its research object is people and environment. Home feng shui research is to make the two of the integration, appropriate, consistent. Today we will talk about the relationship between feng shui and people represented by the four corners of the house. 2461 hours ago

  • Home prosperity Feng Shui, home prosperity feng shui should pay attention to what

    People will go to many places in their life, but the place where they spend the longest time must be their own home. Therefore, the influence of home feng shui on people's fortunes is very large. Good home feng shui wealth and Wangding, bad feng shui will be empty. So, home wealth feng shui should pay attention to what? 2509 hours ago

  • The more you live the richer 5 kinds of home feng shui

    Since ancient times, the theory of feng shui has been handed down, which is an ancient and mysterious knowledge. Feng shui is a knowledge of harmony between man and nature, and home related feng shui, known as home feng shui. Home feng shui pays attention to the accumulation of wind, and the quality of home feng shui has a direct impact on family fortunes. 2509 hours ago

  • Here are seven ways to improve your Feng Shui Fortune to help you make more money

    Want to have good fortune, make more money, live a dream for the horse, can live anywhere. In fact, by changing the home feng shui can achieve the purpose of wealth prosperous house, so what kind of home feng shui layout can enhance wealth? 2510 hours ago

  • Lucky charms around the world(8)

    36.TriangleTriangleshavealwayshadamysteriousmeaningandhavebeenusedinamuletsandtalismans.Theyrepresentthecycleoflife-birth,maturity,anddeath,andhelpformtheconnectionpointbetweenhumansandgods.TheEgyptia 4878 hours ago

  • Lucky charms around the world(7)

    31.HandThesymbolicmeaningofthehandisanexpressionofblessings.Aristotlebelievedthathandsaretoolswithintools,providingstrengthandprotection.Itcanalsorepresenthospitality.Hamsahandisoneofthemostpopularsym 4878 hours ago

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    26.AnkaAnkhsrepresentseternallife.TheycanbetracedbacktoancientEgyptandaretheluckycharmsofthepharaohs.ThegodsaredepictedasplacingAnkaonpeople#39;slipsasasacrificeforthenecessarybreathoflifeforasmoothtr 4878 hours ago

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    21Superstitionsrelatedtocoinsquot;Pickupapennyandyou#39;llhavegoodluckallday.Leaveitthereandyou#39;lldespair.quot;Manyofushaveheardofluckypence.Someofushavealsothrowncoinsintothefountaintofulfillourwi 4878 hours ago