What is the most auspicious thing to hang on the wall opposite the door

1. It's good to hang festive things on the wall directly opposite the entrance

The so-called festive objects refer to decorative items such as red Chinese knots and auspicious characters that symbolize good luck. This also conforms to the feng shui preferences of entering the door and brings a sense of auspiciousness and excitement. So, hanging festive objects directly opposite the wall at the entrance, also known as opening the door to celebrate, is beneficial for the fortune of residents.

2. Entering the door, facing the wall, hanging the Fudi Immortal Residence, painted well

The painting of the Fudi Immortal Residence features peaks and peaks, exuding a magnificent atmosphere. The green trees stand tall, exuding a lively and dynamic aura. Pavilions, houses, and temples are hidden among lush mountains and forests.

The painting of Fudi Immortal Residence provides protection for the gradual advancement of official career and career. The mountains in the painting are winding and undulating, with a majestic and majestic momentum like a dragon, symbolizing a reliable mountain, the support of noble people, and a stable foundation.

In the painting of Fudi Xianju, the Xianhu Lake is in the shape of a treasure trove, with four rivers flowing back to the pond, symbolizing the wealth of the four seas, to be fully embraced. The entire painting is surrounded by mountains and rivers, gathering wind and energy. It is an excellent landscape painting and also a treasure trove landscape painting that attracts wealth and prosperity. It is very suitable to hang at the entrance.

What is good to hang directly against the wall when entering the door

3. Hang a welcoming pine tree facing the wall at the entrance and paint it well

Since ancient times, the welcome pine has been regarded as an auspicious plant. The form of the welcome pine is majestic, with thick mountains and lush trees, and wealth will flow together, creating a rich and continuous landscape.

As the name suggests, "Welcoming Matsu" represents the host's hospitality, especially among business people who love this painting, symbolizing the ability to attract a steady stream of guests. Therefore, the welcome pine is suitable for hanging at the entrance entrance entrance, symbolizing welcoming blessings, attracting wealth, and attracting benefactors.

4. Hang peonies on the wall facing the entrance and paint them well

Peony is the national flower, elegant and dignified, with a proud demeanor. Since ancient times, it has been regarded as a symbol of wealth and wealth, with a very auspicious meaning and beautiful appearance. It is also a Chinese painting that is very suitable for decorating the front wall of the entrance.

What is good to hang directly against the wall when entering the door

5. Hang flowers and birds on the wall facing the entrance and draw them well

From a feng shui perspective, the wall facing the gate should be adorned with auspicious paintings, making traditional Chinese painting of flowers and birds the most suitable, as the decoration of flowers and birds is more tasteful.

A flower and bird painting can not only decorate indoor spaces well, but also benefit one's family's prosperity, wealth, and fortune in feng shui.

6. Hanging a picture of nine fish facing the wall at the entrance is good

The entrance is a necessary passage for entering a residence and also a place of active atmosphere. Choosing the right decorative painting has a positive impact on harmonious family relationships.

The traditional Chinese painting "Nine Fish" has been regarded as an auspicious painting since ancient times, symbolizing the meaning of rising step by step and lasting for a long time. "Fish" symbolizes good luck in all things, and when fish swim in the water, there is wealth, and the source of wealth is rolling. It is widely known for gathering wealth and prosperity, and is also a good choice for family fortune Feng Shui paintings.

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