Lucky charms around the world(8)

36. Triangle

Triangles have always had a mysterious meaning and have been used in amulets and talismans. They represent the cycle of life - birth, maturity, and death, and help form the connection point between humans and gods. The Egyptians used triangles to build pyramids, so they symbolized good luck because their power (any weight applied to them is evenly distributed). The upward triangle symbolizes a solid foundation. Sometimes triangles are used to represent female and male characteristics - with the triangle facing up (male) and the triangle facing down (female). Triangles are important symbols of strength.

37. Wheels

The wheel symbolizes both reincarnation and the fulfillment of Buddha's teachings. Dharma Wheel, Dharmachakra, or Dharma Wheel are sacred to the teachings of Buddhism and other religions. It represents the path to enlightenment and ultimate skills. Many are depicted as having 8 spokes and being golden; Each component of a wheel has profound significance. Wheels also appear in the depiction of Vishnu in Hinduism.

38. Chimney cleaner

The person who sweeps the chimney represents happiness, wealth, and luck. In ancient English legend, when King George rode his horse to participate in a royal parade, a dog rushed out of the crowd, frightened his horse and almost knocked him down. A terrible chimney sweeper promptly grabbed the reins of the horse and comforted it, fundamentally saving the king from falling.

39. "Laughing Buddha" or cloth bag

Hotei is a semi historical Chinese monk who is also accepted by Japanese culture and is known for his joyful nature and kind personality, which is why he is portrayed as always smiling. Laughing Buddha brings wealth, happiness, richness, and satisfaction. This symbol is considered auspicious and joyful, and if there is a talent for thought, it is a great gift.

40. Kakinas

The statue of Katsina (tithu or Katsinithu) of the Hopi people - also related to the Pueblo and Zuni ethnic groups - is a small statue made of three leaf poplar roots, usually used to teach young women about Katsinas - the immortal soul that brings rain. They are displayed in homes and sacred places, believed to bring good luck to families in the form of harvest, rain, and weather resistance.

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