• How to adjust the Feng Shui for making a fortune

    No matter what we do, having a good feng shui can increase our own fortune, allowing us to have smooth sailing in business, work, and life. Here is our summary of Feng Shui for making a fortune and how to adjust it. Let's take a look now! 776 hours ago

  • Introduction to Dragon Turtle and Its Feng Shui Effect

    Atypeofauspiciousbeastthatsymbolizesauspiciousnessandcanbeusedasafengshuitotransformdisastersinayanghouse.Theusageofdragonturtlesisquitecomplex,andtheyshouldbeproperlyplacedinthepositionofthethreeevil 776 hours ago

  • How many layers of Wen Chang Tower for studying

    ThereisnofixedruleforthenumberoflayersoftheWenchangTower,aseachperson#39;ssituationisdifferent.Therefore,oneshouldchooseaccordingtotheiractualsituation.Generallyspeaking,thenumberoflayersoftheWenchang 968 hours ago

  • Remember to stay away from these three places

    Remember to stay away from these three places, whether it's your residence or office, otherwise your career won't go too smoothly. 1184 hours ago

  • The orientation of the restaurant's feng shui

    Itisbesttohavetherestaurantandkitchenlocatedadjacenttoeachothertoavoidbeingtoofaraway.Ofcourse,itisbettertohavetherestaurantassoonasyouleavethekitchen,withtheshortesttraveltime.Traditionally,itisnotad 776 hours ago

  • How to attract good luck spiritually at home

    In traditional Chinese culture, the culture of the Book of Changes, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism describe some bad things as evil. In cultural handicrafts, many have beautiful meanings, while some have no meaning other than being a protective charm against evil. 824 hours ago

  • What is the most auspicious thing to hang on the wall opposite the door

    The traditional Chinese painting "Nine Fish" has been regarded as an auspicious painting since ancient times, symbolizing the meaning of rising step by step and lasting for a long time. "Fish" symbolizes good luck in all things, and when fish swim in the water, there is wealth, and the source of wealth is rolling. 824 hours ago

  • These 10 Feng Shui ornaments are suitable for placing at home

    Some feng shui ornaments can improve the bad feng shui in the home, turn evil spirits into wealth, and bring good luck to the family. Let's take a look at these suitable feng shui items for placing at home. 824 hours ago

  • Lucky charms around the world(8)

    36.TriangleTriangleshavealwayshadamysteriousmeaningandhavebeenusedinamuletsandtalismans.Theyrepresentthecycleoflife-birth,maturity,anddeath,andhelpformtheconnectionpointbetweenhumansandgods.TheEgyptia 800 hours ago

  • Lucky charms around the world(7)

    31.HandThesymbolicmeaningofthehandisanexpressionofblessings.Aristotlebelievedthathandsaretoolswithintools,providingstrengthandprotection.Itcanalsorepresenthospitality.Hamsahandisoneofthemostpopularsym 800 hours ago

  • Lucky charms around the world(6)

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  • Lucky charms around the world(5)

    21Superstitionsrelatedtocoinsquot;Pickupapennyandyou#39;llhavegoodluckallday.Leaveitthereandyou#39;lldespair.quot;Manyofushaveheardofluckypence.Someofushavealsothrowncoinsintothefountaintofulfillourwi 800 hours ago