What harm does Chuantang Sha have to the body

Chuantang Sha is a Feng Shui term that refers to the Feng Shui pattern in which airflow blows directly from the entrance door to the window or balcony. However, there is no scientific basis for whether Chuantang Sha really has an impact on human health.

In modern architecture, in order to ensure indoor air circulation and lighting, many houses are designed as open structures, which has led to the emergence of some so-called "hallways".

The best way to resolve the Chuantang Sha
Chuantang Sha is a bad pattern in feng shui layout, which refers to the unstable atmosphere inside the house caused by the airflow passing through the entire house when it flows indoors. This pattern not only affects the fortune and health of residents, but may also lead to issues such as family discord and marital difficulties.
There are many ways to dispel the evil of passing through the hall, including adjusting the position of furniture, changing the direction of doors, and setting up screens. The specific method needs to be chosen according to the actual situation. It is recommended to communicate with Senior Brother Sanhua.
The Ten Harms of Ventilation
There are many harms to ventilation, such as the body being easily stimulated by cool winds, which can cause some cold symptoms in the body, such as colds, coughs, fever, stuffy nose, cold body, and back pain. At the same time, ventilation can also lower the local temperature of the body, affecting normal blood circulation, leading to muscle tension, stiffness, soreness, and so on. In addition, ventilation may also lower the local temperature of the human body, affecting normal blood circulation, leading to muscle tension, stiffness, soreness, and so on. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to strong winds, especially when the body is sweating.
What harm does the house passing through the hall Sha cause
1. Easy to break wealth
As the saying goes, if there is a direct connection between the front and back, people and wealth will be at a loss. All the evil spirits that pass through the hall will damage financial luck, leading to the flow of wealth and the inability to retain it.
Even if you earn more money, you will still slip away like flowing water. You can see it, but you can't catch it. This also means that household expenses will increase, and some unnecessary expenses will increase.
2. Incoherent gas
The Chuantang Sha has many hazards, among which the most serious is that the Sha Qi can cause residents to easily suffer from blood damage and light disasters. In addition, if the house violates the regulations of the hall aura, it is not conducive to the accumulation and accumulation of auspicious gases in the house. The aura will disperse the gas in the house, destroy the harmonious and stable magnetic field halo of the house, and may also lead to a sharp decline in the owner's luck, making it easy to encounter various adverse situations.
3. Impact on health
Living in a room for a long time can easily lead to problems such as irritability and extreme personality in the family, or frequent illness in the family, which can easily affect the mental state, emotional fluctuations, sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, disharmony in the family, arguments, and accidents.
How can the entrance door break through the window
The layout of the entrance door to the window is considered less ideal in feng shui, as it may lead to uneven airflow and affect the home atmosphere. To solve this problem, the following methods can be adopted:
1. Place a screen or partition: Place a screen or partition between the entrance door and the window to block the direct flow of air.
2. Hanging curtains: Hanging heavy curtains on windows can block vision and reduce airflow.
3. Adjust the position of the door: If conditions permit, the position of the entrance door can be adjusted so that it is not facing the window.
4. Planting plants: Planting tall plants between the entrance door and window can block the view and slow down the airflow.
The above methods are for reference only. You can choose the appropriate method based on your actual situation to solve the problem of the entrance door facing the window.

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