How to adjust the Feng Shui for making a fortune

No matter what we do, having a good feng shui can increase our own fortune, allowing us to have smooth sailing in business, work, and life. Here is our summary of Feng Shui for making a fortune and how to adjust it. Let's take a look now!

How to adjust the Feng Shui for making a fortune

Feng Shui for making a fortune:

1. High in the east and low in the west, ruling over wealth and prosperity.

The green dragon is towering, rich and noble like a mountain laborer. The white tiger raised its head slightly, right and wrong like flowing water. It can be seen how important the left hand position is in the true east direction of the residence. The position of the green dragon or left hand in this area must be high. Even if the feng shui position is not high, it is necessary to find a way to place jade, stones, and objects to raise them up. Only by raising them up can there be a support mountain, which can promote the prosperity of the residents in terms of personal, financial, official, and leadership luck, as well as the assistance of influential people.

2. Gold and water mutually generate wealth.

What is the concept of mutual growth of gold and water? In home feng shui, there are only two positions and five behaviors of gold, which are the Qian Gong in the northwest, Qian Jin, and the Dui Gong in the west. However, releasing water from the Qian Gong is not conducive to the male protagonist. Only when the Dui Gong in the west has water, can it be called the golden water mutual growth. Moreover, the Dui Gong is in the position of a white tiger, where water flows and fish tanks can be seen. The white tiger has constraints and control, so there is no petty person's right or wrong in career and work. Therefore, the West has water, not only non petty people will be constrained, but also the golden water mutual growth and financial resources will be relatively developed.

3. Wealth should be bright rather than dark.

Friends who have some knowledge of feng shui know that there are two feng shui wealth positions in each family. One is the bright wealth position in the living room, and the other is the real wealth position in the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces. The bright wealth position is responsible for the residents' financial luck, such as stocks, funds, futures, investments, etc., while the real wealth position is responsible for the wages, bonuses, business transactions, etc. in our destiny and fortune. Therefore, the positions of these two wealth positions must be bright, clean, and soft with sufficient lighting to encourage the God of Wealth to come in and prosper.

How to adjust the Feng Shui for making a fortune

4. The purple air from the east relies on the stability of the mountain.

In feng shui, choosing a layout that opens to the southeast or east is faster and more stable in terms of financial and career development compared to other layouts. The overall home fortune will also be more prosperous and long-lasting. This is because "purple energy comes from the east, and prosperity and prosperity thrive within the house". This layout that opens to the east or southeast can have a good effect on the mental state, career fortune, and the help of influential people of the residents.

5. Mountain masters Ding, water masters wealth.

Many friends often misunderstand the saying "the owner of the mountain is Ding", thinking that the mountain is just a symbol of prosperity for the children in the family. In fact, the population here also represents wealth, which means that the children are prosperous and the sources of wealth are abundant. As the saying goes, if the children are not prosperous, what is the use of money?, Let's make a simple analogy: if it's just a couple, with a monthly income of 20000, they basically live well. Why bother working so hard to earn money? So the prosperity of the population is also the prosperity of wealth, so having more jade, beautiful stones, and rare stones at home is also a sign of prosperity, as the saying goes, benevolent people enjoy mountains.

6. Green plants bring blessings and wealth.

In the five elements, Caixing likes trees and water, but water is unstable if it is active, and money is not prosperous if it is not moved. It seems that although it is a good policy to use water to urge money, those who do not understand the advantages and disadvantages often lose more than they gain. However, green plants are rich, and wood help is not taboo, which can not only generate wealth and fortune, but also purify the air, and beautify the living environment. Therefore, wood is the best choice for home feng shui. Plants such as the fortune tree, the money tree, and the Dracaena sanderiana can not only add vitality, but also enrich wealth and gather vitality, and make a prosperous career.

How to adjust the Feng Shui for making a fortune

How to adjust the Feng Shui for wealth creation:

1. The front door is facing the door of the internal office, which is a feng shui flush. The airflow can easily rush in and cause verbal personnel disputes, which must be taken into consideration when dividing the internal compartments.

2. Of course, one should not face the toilet door directly as soon as they enter.

3. The boss's office must be a separate room, not an open space, because the company's business must have its confidentiality, and cannot be neglected. The boss and supervisor's rooms are a waste of money, and should be appropriate or slightly small and elegant, not too large and inappropriate.

4. Generally, office buildings on the street have arcades, so there must be space above the arcade on the second floor. In feng shui, the room above the arcade cannot be used as a decision-making office for supervisors, but can only be used for general staff to work, because the arcade below the floor is a passage for people to come and go, and the airflow is chaotic and mixed, and the atmosphere is often disturbed. Therefore, the upper floor cannot be used as a decision-making place. In addition, many small businessmen use the first floor as a store and the second floor as a residence. At this time, it should be noted that the toilet on the second floor cannot be located above the boss's office, counter, or altar on the first floor.

5. Usually in an indoor space, when allocating rooms, the principle should be coordinated with "dragon edge" and "tiger edge", which means dividing the office into left and right sides. The half belonging to the dragon should have the boss's office, business department, and finance department, while other departments should be located in the tiger edge; The door position of each office should also be considered, preferably located in the vicinity of the dragon, in order for the business to prosper and develop.

The method to determine the edge of a dragon is to stand indoors facing the wall that opens the door. The right front is the tiger edge, and the left front is the dragon edge. The door is located on the left side of that wall.

6. The financial position in the office has a icing on the cake effect on career development, and is also a feng shui benchmark that everyone is concerned about. Therefore, feng shui does pay great attention to the item effect of financial position. Generally speaking, the financial position is located diagonally to the left or right of the entrance, which must be a place with little movement and not a passage, otherwise financial luck will not be able to hold.

If the right front financial position happens to be a door, it is necessary to switch to the left front financial position. Some houses may not be able to find a financial position due to layout or design reasons, or they may have large pillars concave in the direction of the financial position. These are houses with poor feng shui, and it is better to use aisle partitions to create a financial position.

Summary: Life requires financial support, so a good feng shui can boost our luck and earn more money to pursue life.

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