Lucky charms around the world(1)

Whether you are looking for amulets or talismans to protect you from evil, heal diseases, fulfill your wishes, or bring you wealth, you can find the most interesting symbols and symbols of good luck from all over the world.

1. Acorns

In Nordic folklore, oak trees are known for bringing good luck. The Vikings believed that Thor, the god of lightning, believed that oak trees were sacred because they attracted lightning strikes. Due to the oak tree's ability to survive lightning strikes (and Thor's anger), the Vikings would place an acorn on the windowsill to protect their home.

2 pairs of egg yolks

In many folk traditions, eggs represent fertility and rebirth, new life and potential. Egg shaped objects, especially eggs, are used for cleansing the body or to enhance fertility rituals. Eggs can be used to predict the future, promote agricultural harvests, protect families and property, and ward off evil spirits. In some cultures, they are seen as symbols of wealth. In Britain in the 1200s, people gave eggs as gifts to their owners. Is finding double yolks good luck? If someone discovers double yolks in their own eggs, they will conceive twins.

3. Clover

Clover (clover) is associated with St. Patrick's Day and Irish tradition. In nature, clover is not as common as clover, so finding clover is considered extremely rare and fortunate. Some people also say that Eve brought four leaf clovers from the Garden of Eden - the symbol of the Trinity. Clover represents faith, hope, and love. What is your chance of finding a clover? As is well known, white clover occasionally mutates into four leaves. Obviously, your chance to find a four leaf clover is to find one among over 10000 clover plants. Some people believe that clover is unlucky.

4. Zhaocai Bamboo

Does Zhaocai Bamboo really attract wealth? Zhaocai Bamboo is a member of the Dragon Blood Tree family, but in reality, it is not bamboo. This is a common gift that represents good luck and is easy to plant. It is said that this type of stem can bring good luck in the form of happiness, longevity, and wealth. Four stocks are considered unlucky. It is said that two stems represent love. Is it unlucky for the lucky bamboo to die? Yes - if it dies within the first year, it is considered to bring 29 years of misfortune. However, it all depends on you - you can choose to believe in other things (your life is up to you to choose).

5. Rainbow

The rainbow is absolutely amazing, the double rainbow is simply magical. Rainbows are mentioned in many ancient cultures and appear in religious texts such as the Old Testament. Rainbows usually symbolize spiritual awakening, knowledge, and truth. After a heavy rain or storm, a rainbow represents the beginning and rebirth. The LGBTQ community uses rainbow flags as a symbol of pride. In many cultures, rainbows are simply considered a blessing. They usually represent changes. What does double rainbow mean? The double rainbow represents good luck. In some cultures, the first arc of a rainbow represents the material world, while the second arc represents the spiritual realm. Rainbows are considered a positive omen - representing change, a new beginning, and spiritual awakening. In some religions, rainbows represent ascension and inner awakening.

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