Lucky charms around the world(7)

31. Hand

The symbolic meaning of the hand is an expression of blessings. Aristotle believed that hands are tools within tools, providing strength and protection. It can also represent hospitality. Hamsa hand is one of the most popular symbols of good luck in the world. It is believed to protect users from negative energy and jealousy. It is a palm shaped talisman found in jewelry and design in the Middle East and North Africa. It is an open right hand, believed to resist evil eyes. This amulet is a symbol of protection for all faiths and is believed to bring happiness, luck, health, and wealth.

Is the left hand the devil's hand?

In many religions, the right hand is considered the hand of God (Christianity). The left hand is considered the hand of judgment. Left-handed people were previously considered sinister because the literal meaning of the word "left" was translated like this. In the Middle Ages, many left-handed people were accused of using witchcraft.

Nowadays, rational people know that left-handed individuals can be attributed to biological reasons. It is unfair that left-handed individuals still face discrimination in their daily activities, as most commercial items and spaces are designed for right-handed individuals.

32. Heart

In many cultures, the heart represents love. The Greeks believed that the heart was the center of reason, thought, and emotion. In Roman Catholicism, it is believed that the "Sacred Heart" represents God's love. Inverted triangles are also considered to contribute to the symbolic significance of the heart. Seeing the heart in nature - in clouds and patterns - can be a positive omen that opens you up to possibilities. In the Quran, the heart is widely used in narration and holds great importance.

33. Bull Horn

A corner necklace is considered a symbol of good luck. In Italian culture, a bull horn is a lucky symbol called cornicello. Cornello symbolizes a creature considered sacred in ancient Europe (faunus, from ancient Rome; cernunnos, from the Celts; selene, from Greece). It can prevent evil eyes, promote fertility and prosperity, and is said to help connect with a person's heritage.

34. Key

For centuries, keys have been considered lucky charms, symbolizing the opening of the heart. The three keys symbolize wealth, health, and love. The dream of a key may indicate an open attitude towards new opportunities and ideas. A superstition among Jewish midwives is to place a key in the hands of a woman giving birth to ensure safe childbirth. In Eastern European culture, keys are also considered to prevent nightmares and only bring good dreams. In Japan, three keys tied together represent the wearer's health, wealth, and love.

35. Ladder

The Egyptians placed ladders in their graves to help the souls of the deceased ascend to heaven. The ladder is worn as a talisman by both the living and the dead. Egyptian mythology reflects that Osiris had difficulty reaching heaven, so he was given a ladder. 5000 years ago, the Egyptians regarded triangles as sacred, so walking down a ladder against a wall would bring misfortune because it violated the sacred form.

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